Detoxing – For health, for mental clarity, or chronic illness ask us about our many options for health & safe detoxing guided by our Integrative Specialist team.
Detoxing – For health, for mental clarity, or chronic illness ask us about our many options for health & safe detoxing guided by our Integrative Specialist team.
We offer a range of healthy weight management tools, if you wish for a simple addition to your plan please ask us about our weight loss patches applied two or three times a week at the clinic starting at $45 per session.
We also offer nutrition consultations and meal plans, vitamin support packages, foot detox spas and a Vibrosauna to help you on your journey.
Speak to us about our Weight Management Packages and support.
An Add on of our supplement support 1 x weekly session is available with these packages.
Integrative Doctor Consultation
Blood Test panel
Nutrition Consultation with meal plan,
4x Weekly Foot Detox
1 x Weekly vitamin support session as prescribed.
Includes 5 mins to ask questions once plan is presented with practitioner by phone or inperson.
Metal detoxification including EDTA chelation therapy is available to help coronary artery diseases, heart conditions, diabetes complications (like circulation) and chronic heavy metal poisoning such as with lead and mercury. Please speak with our medical team if you are wanting to discuss having chelation therapy. A Full Integrative Doctors Appointment will be necessary and complete blood test panel prior to EDTA being prescribed. EDTA costs $220 per session.