Brain Wave Relaxation Session
Harnessing The Power Of Neuroscience To Ease Anxiety & Stress
At Boost IV we use a patented technology disc to ease away the stress and Anxiety daily life may cause. You might have a special event coming up, an exam, or your just burning the candle at both ends and feeling frazzled. Let us help you find your calm again.
With our 30 minute sessions we can help you relieve stress and anxiety, balance the mind, sleep better, feel more focused to help you achieve your goals.
This treatment can also help:
– Shift workers with fatigue to support better sleep
– Travellers and Air Crew with Jet Lag,
– Professional Athletes to support increased performance and focus.
– Balancing the mind as a part of a healthy lifestyle and optimal health plan.
Talk to us today and book your 30 minute Relaxation Session. No doctor consultation required.
Cost $55 per session (stand alone treatment) or $45 per session when booked with any Vitamin Support session.
How Do Brain Wave Relaxation Sessions Work:
Boost IV uses patented technology that addresses the brain circuitry in the limbic system, the hypothalamus, and the brainstem responsible for producing stress and anxiety.
Working specifically on the body’s inhibitory system, the GABAergic system. This device is bio-mimetic in that it resets the naturally occurring negative feedback loop of the hypothalamic- pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which when properly functioning is supposed to shut off and stop releasing cortisol from the adrenal glands after the end of a stressful event. It is comprised of three discrete steps that work together to entrain brainwaves to the frequency of the first stages of sleep and create parasympathetic nervous system dominance. People in this state are physically unable to have an anxious response.
Within moments of application, users will begin to feel relief from the ‘fight-or-flight’ sympathetic nervous system response and their stress hormone (cortisol) levels will begin to decline as the HPA axis is inhibited. Stress is a biological response to the stimulus of a threat, either real or perceived. During an acute stress response, two parallel pathways are activated to prepare the body for fight-or-flight, the sympathetic adreno-medullary (SAM) arm of the autonomic nervous system and the HPA axis. Both systems can be triggered in a bottom-up manner from the brainstem by critical homeostatic perturbations, like respiratory distress, pain, or inflammation – real threats. They can also be triggered in a top-down fashion from the limbic system, particularly from the amygdala, by psychogenic stressors, either innate or experiential – perceived threats.
Our treatment guides your brain wave function to alpha and theta ranges and suspends you in parasympathetic nervous system dominance – a state of relaxation where you are physically incapable of experiencing stress.
What You Need to Know About Your Brain Waves
Your brain consists of millions of brain cells forming trillions of connections. These building
blocks of the brain, called neurons, communicate with each other through chemical and
electrical signals.
When masses of neurons send synchronized pulses, they oscillate and produce a wave-like
effect or a brain wave. Brain wave frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz) or cycles per second.
Higher-order brain activity will produce high-frequency brain waves, such as beta or gamma
When you are awake, in a normal state of consciousness, you are in the beta brain wave
frequency range. As shown in the chart, delta brain waves are the slowest and are dominant
when we are in a deep sleep.
As with all things in life, having balance in brain wave activity is key to achieving optimal
health and performance.
Reset your internal clock. Your body’s circadian rhythms can easily be thrown out of balance from travel across time zones, environmental changes in light/dark cycles, or an inconsistent sleep schedule. An imbalanced internal clock affects your body’s hormonal levels which can leave you feeling exhausted during the day or unable to sleep at night, as well as negatively interfere with your mood.
A safe, all-natural, patented neuroscience technology, clinically proven to help athletes get the restoration they need to maintain a healthy internal balance and achieve optimal performance. This product is currently used by Olympians and professional athletes in the NFL, NHL, MLB, and NBA, with exceptional results.