Cancer Surgery - If you are faced with surgery, what you need to ask first

CANCER SURGERY - IF you are faced with surgery, what you need to ask first.

Cancer surgery can be a component of cancer treatment for many patients. It is essential to have a thorough understanding of the procedure, potential risks, and the recovery process. By asking your surgeon and medical providers important questions before and after your cancer surgery, you can ensure you have all the necessary information to make informed decisions and improve outcomes. It is crucial to feel confident that all your questions are addressed before undergoing surgery if possible.

Key Questions to ask about the procedure


What is the goal of the surgery?

This question helps you understand the purpose of the surgery, whether it aims to remove the tumor entirely, relieve symptoms, or prevent complications.

How will this surgery affect my cancer treatment plan?

Knowing how surgery fits into your overall treatment plan will provide a better understanding of the role it plays in managing your cancer.

What type of surgery will be performed, and why is it the best option for me?

Different surgical approaches have varying benefits and risks. Your surgeon should explain the reason behind the chosen method to ensure it is tailored to your needs.

How experienced is the surgeon in performing this type of procedure?

An experienced surgeon can lead to better outcomes and a reduced risk of complications. It is essential to feel confident in your surgeon's expertise.

Will any additional treatments, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy, be needed before or after the surgery?

This helps you prepare for a comprehensive treatment plan and understand the potential side effects and benefits of combining therapies.

How long will the surgery take, and what type of anesthesia will be used?

Knowing the surgery's duration and anesthesia type can help you understand the procedure and prepare for recovery.

What are the expected short-term and long-term outcomes of the surgery?

This question provides insight into the anticipated benefits and potential side effects or complications over time, allowing you to make informed decisions about your treatment.


Questions About Possible Risks and Their Importance


What are the potential risks and complications associated with this surgery?

Being aware of potential risks enables you to weigh the benefits and risks, make informed decisions, and prepare for possible outcomes.

How likely are these risks to occur, and how are they managed if they do?

Understanding the likelihood of risks and the steps taken to address them can provide reassurance and help you make informed choices about your treatment.

What precautions are taken to minimize risks during the surgery?

This question ensures that your surgical team is taking all necessary measures to reduce risks and complications during the procedure.

Are there any long-term side effects or changes in my body function that I should expect after the surgery?

Knowing the potential long-term effects helps you prepare for lifestyle changes and make informed decisions about your treatment plan.

What is the likelihood of cancer recurrence after the surgery?

Understanding the chances of recurrence is vital for planning follow-up care and making informed decisions about your cancer treatment.

Questions about the recovery process and their importance


What is the expected length of hospital stay after the surgery?

Knowing the expected length of stay can help you plan for time off work, child care, or other personal arrangements.

What kind of pain or discomfort can I expect during the recovery process, and how will it be managed?

Being prepared for post-surgical pain can help you cope better during recovery and understand the available pain management options.

How soon after the surgery can I resume normal activities, such as work or exercise?

This information helps you plan your post-surgery schedule and set realistic expectations for your recovery timeline.

What follow-up care will be needed after the surgery, including appointments, tests, or additional treatments?

Understanding the follow-up care plan ensures you stay on track with your recovery and receive the necessary ongoing support.

Will I need any rehabilitation services, such as physical or occupational therapy, after the surgery?

Knowing whether you'll require rehabilitation helps you plan for additional appointments, resources, and potential costs.

Are there any dietary restrictions or recommendations for the recovery process?

Proper nutrition is crucial for recovery, and understanding dietary changes can help you maintain your health.  Boost IV offers services to help with working out diet plans and supplement plans to support you during the recovery process.


Questions About Pre- and Post-Surgery to Improve Outcomes


What can I do before the surgery to improve my overall health and well-being, such as dietary changes or exercise?

Preparing your body for surgery can improve outcomes, reduce complications, and speed up recovery. Boost IV can help you with a range of options, please enquire about what services we have available.

Are there any medications, supplements, or therapies that I should start or stop before the surgery?

Some medications or supplements may interfere with your surgery & recovery. Please discuss this with your medical team.

What can I do to prepare my body for the surgery?  

Please ask the Boost IV Team, we are here to help you and have many strategies and services we can offer and suggest. Mental and physical preparation can positively impact your surgical experience and recovery process.

How can I manage stress and anxiety before and after the surgery?

Stress management is crucial for overall well-being.  Try reaching out to a counseling service, or talk with loved ones or friends about any concerns you may have.

What support services are available to me, such as counseling, support groups, or financial assistance?

Accessing support services can provide emotional, practical, and financial assistance, helping you navigate the challenges of cancer treatment.

Are there any post-surgery lifestyle changes that may help improve my long-term outcomes, such as quitting smoking or maintaining a healthy weight?

Adopting healthy habits can contribute to better long-term outcomes and reduce the risk of cancer recurrence.   Boost IV can help you navigate a plan to find a healthy lifestyle path forward.

Living Wills, Medical Powers of Attorney, and Stating Resuscitation and Life Support Wishes

Ask your family and leave a copy of your living will and medical power of attorney in a safe place.

- A living will outlines your preferences for medical care if you become unable to communicate your wishes. A medical power of attorney designates a trusted individual to make healthcare decisions on your behalf.

- Both documents ensure that your healthcare choices are respected and followed should anything happen to you.

- Discuss your preferences for resuscitation and life support with your healthcare team and family, and include these directives in your living will. Ensure your medical power of attorney is aware of your wishes and can advocate for them if necessary.

Remember, you are an important part of your cancer care team. Put together a solid team full of people who are there to support you on this journey back to recovery. Gathering information will empower you to take an active role in your treatment and recovery and show you there is nothing to be afraid of.

Disclaimer: This website does not provide or imply medical advice. The information including text, graphics, and images, are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.


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