Iron Infusions (ferritin)

Available by prescription only.


The leading cause of anaemia is iron deficiency. Iron deficiency happens when iron losses or requirements of the body exceed absorption. Iron from food is not always easily absorbed by our bodies. Once our body is low in iron, eating iron-rich food may not be enough to raise the iron levels and ferritin stores. In this instance, a doctor may recommend taking oral supplements or an iron infusion to restore ferritin levels to a normal range.


– Cannot take Iron supplement by mouth

– Gut cannot absorb iron supplements well

– Blood loss resulting in lost iron, for example from heavy menstrual periods or an injury
– Need iron levels raised quickly to prevent health problems
– Long term serious health issues preventing your body from adequately absorbing or using iron
– Chronic heart or kidney problems


Your doctor or nurse will explain the risks and benefits of receiving the iron treatment. People who cannot get enough iron from their daily diet or by using a supplement will benefit from an iron infusion. An iron infusion instantly raises the body’s iron levels. It is quicker than supplements or diet changes.

Low iron levels and anaemia will both improve immediately.

At Boost Integrative health and Infusions, the infusion is done in the comfort & safety of our clinic by our trained nurse. An iron infusion works better when a quick increase of iron levels is needed.

The infusion will take approx 20 Mins, with you needing to stay with us a further 30 mins for monitoring.  A total of 50 minutes is generally required. 

You can book to see our Dr and have the Blood Tests done at Boost IV if you feel you may be low on Iron. 


You can go straight home once you have been checked. You will repeat blood tests at 6 weeks and 12 weeks to monitor iron levels. When iron is used quickly or if there are long-term health issues, further iron infusions may be needed. You may have further iron level checks after 3 months. You must stop any oral iron tablets or iron liquids after your iron infusion. If you are not sure, check with your doctor.



There is a low risk with all iron medications of side effects which the prescribing doctor will discuss with you prior to your infusion. You will be required to stay with us for 30 minutes after your infusion so that your doctor or nurse can monitor you closely for any side effects or signs of allergic reaction. Adverse reactions are rare.

Disclaimer: This website does not provide medical advice. The information including text, graphics, and images, are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.